Amazing Facts About Honey Beeswax

Beeswax has been used across the world since ancient civilization. In fact, it’s been found in pharaohs, Roman ruins, and sunken Viking ships too. Beeswax never goes bad and it has been recovered from old shipwrecks and is still usable. Over time beeswax gets its bloom. It is a light powdery substance that comes from within the wax. It can be buffed off and can be left on a patina on a candle.
Pure beeswax is solid at room temperature. Usually, it has putty-like consistency at above 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It will melt around 145 to 147 degrees F.
Let it sit on a bowl of hot tap water for a few minutes so that it gets a putty-like consistency.
When you wish to melt beeswax, you can use a double boiler or a pot within a pot of water. This will allow gentle heating required for beeswax since it can burn to give a browning hue to lose its aroma.
Beeswax is used in candles since it is flammable so, don’t get it too close to an open flame and heat source.
Storing beeswax:
Beeswax never goes bad but it gets a powdery bloom on it. You can use a soft rag to buff the bloom off.
Since beeswax is soft and tacky it picks up dirt, dust, etc. Thus, it’s best to wrap it in a plastic sheet to keep the dust off. Also, store it in a cool place. When it’s too warm the wax becomes soft and the plastic sticks become embedded in the wax.
Let’s look at some other amazing facts about beeswax:
It comes directly from bees thus it’s non-toxic. Beeswax is totally environmentally friendly and is an extremely vital ingredient in the range of other eco-friendly products.
It never turns bad:
Beeswax contains propolis which is a natural, powerful protective substance thus, it never goes bad. It is made by honey bees as they combine tree resin with wax flakes and pollen. Propolis fixes and strengthens the beehive to protect the beehive with an antiseptic barrier.
The protective qualities of honey beeswax are extremely effective. In fact, beeswax has been also found in ancient tombs. The word propolis originates from the Greek meaning “defense of the city.”
But the commercial beeswax products include other ingredients so they can go bad.
It’s edible and non-toxic:
Beeswax is non-toxic and safe when ingested thus, its one of the reasons that its an excellent li
Natural Moisturizer:
It is a common ingredient in most lotions, balms because it helps to lock moisture, making it a great solution to dry skin, hair, and lips.
Since it comes from the honeycomb, beeswax is totally natural coming directly from our mother nature. Honeybees consume honey and pollen to make wax. It is an amazing fact about beeswax that it takes eight pounds of honey to make just one pound of beeswax.
Better when burnt:
Candles from other wax aren’t as effective compared to the ones made from beeswax, which are brighter and cleaner. They emit negative ions known to purify the air. When beeswax burns it smells great without added chemicals and scents. It has a natural aroma because it is made from honey and flower nectar present in the honeycomb.
Throughout history, beeswax has been used as a sealant and waterproofing agent for tents, shoes, and belts. When beeswax is rubbed onto a surface like canvas and leather then after heating it, the wax gets absorbed into the materials and blocks the water content to pass through.
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