Bee pollen as a protein supplement

Honey bees not only make honey they are a source of bee pollen too. Honey bees sit on flowers and extract nectar and pollen from them. Pollen is the male seed of a flower. When bees collect pollen, they rub it with their legs and convert it into bee pollen to feed the young ones. But bee pollen benefits humans and is highly recommended as a protein supplement.
Bee pollen is made by honeybees and is considered a natural and complete food as it possesses all nutrients that humans need to stay healthy. Bee pollen is a great protein supplement as it has 40% protein, making it richer in protein than any animal source. It also contains amino acids more than beef or eggs and is rich in vitamins, folic acid and B-complex.
It is worth noting that one teaspoon of bee pollen takes one bee eight hours a day and one whole month to gather.
Bee pollen is a great protein supplement:
Source of complete protein:
If you are working out in the gym, you have to feed your muscles with raw materials. New muscles are made with protein and require complete amino acids.
New muscles are also made with glycogen- a chemical combination of glucose and water. When bee pollen is taken with honey it helps a workout recovery. As pollen is 40% protein, it contains all the amino acids that our body uses, including those that it is unable to produce itself.
It’s not necessary to have egg, soy or pea protein to make up for missing amino acids, you can just have bee pollen. When you eat sports bars with bee pollen within half an hour after a workout or during workouts, your muscles will get the dose of protein needed to bulk out.
You don’t only need protein to work out or rebuild muscles. You also need glucose and water. Honey is an excellent source of sugar in the form of glucose. And muscles need to store the fuel for the next workout that is available in honey. Glycogen the muscles make from glucose and water add bulkiness to the muscles while new muscle fiber is made with amino acids add strength. Thus, a combination of bee pollen and honey is perfect.
It is an energy enhancer:
Pollen is a high source of Vitamin B since it has Rutin, which is an antioxidant useful to enhance cardiovascular function. It’s an energy booster as well as bee pollen has a high source of energy thus its best for athletes to boost their stamina and strength to perform their best.
Dietary supplement:
After wheatgrass and yerba mates, pollen is supposed to be the best dietary supplement. It’s full of nutrients that fuel the body with a burst of energy. Kids with a low appetite can add this to their diet.
Nutrient absorption:
Pollen contains enzymes that help digestion thus it assists our body in absorbing more nutrients from the food that you eat.
Increases energy level:
Pollen has a wide range of nutrients thus making it a great natural energy booster. Carbohydrates, protein and B Vitamins enhance your stamina and help you fight fatigue so that you can zoom through the day.
Helps in weight loss:
There are a lot of weight loss supplements but the pollen will assure you results from that too faster. It stabilizes chemical imbalance in your body thus and improves metabolism. It controls abnormal weight gain and burns calories. A teaspoon of pollen is healthy for you as it serves your craving and improves your inner health. You can add it as your salad dressing or diet drinks.
It is safe and easy to add to your diet. It comes in granules or supplement form and is safe for most people.
People with pollen and bee sting allergies should avoid bee pollen products as it may cause itching, swelling, shortness of breath, etc. It may interact negatively with blood thinners. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid bee pollen products.
Visit the Navmi website to buy pollen as the focus of Navmi has always been to reach out to customers with natural and organic foods of the best quality. All its products like coconut oil, flaxseed oil, ghee, A2 milk, different types of natural honey, jaggery, turmeric, etc are all chemical-free. We believe that unprocessed foods contain higher amounts of antioxidants, it reduces the risk of heart disease, cancers, and other health issues.
Visit our site (Nirlesh Foods Private Limited or Navmi) to know more about nutritionally pure and unprocessed food. Make a conscious and healthy choice of foods.
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