Crystallized Honey : One Question Our Customer Ask Us A Lot!
The most common query about honey is, “I bought a bottle of honey and it has crystallized. Is it pure honey?” Well, the crystallization of honey is a natural process. Pure honey crystallizes. All said and done if your jar of honey doesn’t crystallize it doesn’t mean that it’s adulterated. It might so happen that you have bought Acacia Honey or you live in a place
READ MOREOur lifestyle and food habits are harming our health
Are we taking care of our health in the true sense and do we know if the food that we eat is healthy? Today we have access to so many health apps, devices, health charts, recommendations from doctors, diet charts, and gymnasiums. Yet, we face serious health challenges and quite a lot of them are due to our lifestyle and the food we eat. For example,
READ MOREHoney relieves period cramps naturally
Honey has the qualities to cure period cramps naturally that can make a woman’s life miserable. Once a month some women have to undergo severe pain due to their periods. It can get unbearable. The pain is extreme at times so many women are compelled to resort to pain killers as they experience contraction in their abdomen. Getting addicted to pain killers is not good since they
READ MOREThe untold story of Natural honey
Honey is a natural food product and one of the oldest ones. It has incredible medicinal benefits. It infuses energy in your body and its mention brings a smile on your face and symbolizes positivity. Honey is associated with good health. Most people love the taste of honey and are well aware by now that it has a lot of health and medicinal benefit. But we
READ MORE7 Common myths about healthy weight loss
Are you trying to lose weight? You perceive it to be the toughest task? Well, it is not tough but can be confusing. There is so much information about ways to lose weight that it’s obvious for us to get confused. Not all the recommendations that you read or hear from people will help you reach your weight loss goals. Giving your body the right
READ MORENomadic beekeeping and monofloral honey
The supermarket shelves are filled with numerous attractively packed jars and bottles of many shapes with the golden liquid; honey, which is one of the most loved essential of the human diet for centuries. Essentially there are many brands in the market selling honey and that leaves us confused as to which is the best- natural and authentic product. Sometimes we even get skeptical
READ MOREHow is coconut oil related to intermittent fasting?
We have been hearing about intermittent fasting a lot in the past few years. It seems to be popular among health and diet-conscious individuals. For those who aren’t too aware of intermittent fasting let’s throw some light on it. People are into a fasting mode when they sleep. So, when you fast with this method you fast a little longer, which is mostly done by eating
READ MOREAmazing Facts About Honey Beeswax
Beeswax has been used across the world since ancient civilization. In fact, it’s been found in pharaohs, Roman ruins, and sunken Viking ships too. Beeswax never goes bad and it has been recovered from old shipwrecks and is still usable. Over time beeswax gets its bloom. It is a light powdery substance that comes from within the wax. It can be buffed off and can be left
READ MOREHoney and recipes: Breakfast recipe with honey
Honey is the result of the hard work of honey bees no wonder you can make mouthwatering recipes from honey. It’s always a struggle cooking healthy breakfast and something new each day. You have to innovate and think of something new to kickstart your day with a healthy and tasty breakfast. Raw Honey has varied medicinal and health benefits so let’s look at some Honey and recipes
READ MOREImmunity Boosting Juices and drinks with honey for winter
We are facing the most challenging healthcare situation. As a matter of precaution against the COVID-19 virus, everyone is suddenly vying to build a better immune system. In the past few months due to the ongoing pandemic, everyone has become health conscious. During the winter season, it becomes all the more vital to boost our immunity as much as we can to protect ourselves against the coronavirus.