Coronavirus: Boost your immunity with anti-viral foods

Coronavirus is challenging the human race and there are confirmed cases in India as well. The focus is on treating patients suffering from the virus and finding a cure for it. More than anything else we also need to find ways to prevent ourselves from getting infected. The Coronavirus has found its origin in the seafood market in China’s Wuhan. It has claimed many lives in China and there is an immediate need to take precautions.
The primary concern is to build your immunity system and overall health. It is also important to maintain personal hygiene guidelines and also take steps to boost your immunity to fight this deadly disease.
Since the virus has never mutated in human beings before, at present there is no solution to coronavirus. Prevention is the best way of Coronavirus.
The question now is how to keep your immunity levels strong so that the coronavirus doesn’t infect you.
Build your immune system:
Honey with Garlic:
Garlic and honey have always been an ingredient in traditional medicines in Ayurveda. The main ingredient in garlic is allicin. It has sulfur, oxygen and other chemicals that make garlic an antibacterial and disease-fighting food.
Chopping and crushing fresh garlic cloves leads to the release of more allicin. But, when you chop or crush garlic cloves it loses allicin levels quickly so it should be consumed fast. So, to get the maximum benefit from garlic consume it as soon as possible.
Honey is abundant in antioxidants called flavonoids and polyphenols. These chemicals help to fight inflammation – redness, and swelling. They balance the immune system and prevent illnesses. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties to help fight diseases.
What are the Benefits of Honey and Garlic?
- Cures a Common Cold and Allergies:
- Strengthens Immunity:
Honey and Ginger:
Honey and ginger together strengthen your immunity while honey is a fantastic medium to transmit the benefits of ginger to your body. Ginger has antibacterial and antiviral properties that deal with viral flu. Your body starts to sweat and flushes out all the unwanted toxins and prevents infections.
What are the Benefits of Ginger and Honey?
Natural Home Remedy for cough and cold Natural Pain Killer
- Natural Pain Killer
- Benefits of the Heart
- Strengthens your immune system
- Helps Prevents Nausea & Morning Sickness
Honey, Ginger, and lemon:
These three ingredients together are a perfect recipe to fight sickness. They help your body to find the ability to defend itself. Drinking a cup of ginger, lemon and honey tea or just having a spoonful of Ginger Honey can boost your immune system.
Ginger and honey both have antioxidant properties thus boosting your immune system.
Benefits of lemon, ginger, and honey:
- Soothes and relieves cold and flu symptoms
- Strengthens immune system
- Detoxifies
- Freshens breath
- Smells good!
- Naturally calming and relaxing
Cold Pressed Coconut oil:
Cold-pressed Coconut oil gives an antiviral effect. It is medium-chain fatty acids, which are believed to fight lipid-coated viruses like influenza and Epstein-Barr. The MCFAs disrupt the virus membranes and prevents it from growing and maturing. In particular concentrations, coconut oil exhibits bactericidal activity against E.coli and many other types of bacteria.
Turmeric milk:
Turmeric has an active component called curcumin. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicines for many centuries as it has strong antioxidant properties, which fight cell damage. It also protects your body from oxidative stress.
Diet rich with antioxidants help to lower the risk of infections and protects you against diseases.
Turmeric Water:
New detox drinks are being concocted on a daily basis, and while vegetables and fruits make for some not-so-delicious healthy and nutritious drinks, there is nothing to beat the efficacy of a glass of Ayurvedic potion. Turmeric has long since been a part of traditional medicinal practices, and it maintains its position as your granny’s go-to remedy to a number of problems.
Benefits of Turmeric Water:
- Boosts the immune system
- Prevents Alzheimer’s
- Improves digestion
- Reduces inflammation
Tulsi Honey and Turmeric:
This combination aids digestion as it stimulates bile and has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal properties that protect you from cold and cough.
In fact, honey is full of nutrients, antioxidants, flavonoids and healing compounds that keep your health when consumed regularly.
Honey with Cinnamon
Cinnamon and honey are nature’s gift to mankind. On one hand, Apart from this, honey is also a rich source of, amino acid, niacin, riboflavin, iron, calcium, etc.
Nutritional Value of Honey and Cinnamon:
Honey and Cinnamon are nutritious foods and contain minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients that help in the maintenance of good health. Both these ingredients are also low on fat and so can be consumed on a daily basis in moderations.
Cinnamon Honey Benefits:
Given below is a list of the several health benefits of cinnamon and honey.
- Lowers risk of heart disease
- Boosts immunity
- Gets rid of bad breath
- Used as an energy booster
- Used against allergies
- Cures throat problems
- Treats cough and cold
Visit Navmi website to buy organic honey, turmeric, tulsi honey, and coconut oil as the focus of Navmi, since its inception has always been serving customers with natural and organic foods of the best quality. All our products like coconut oil, flaxseed oil, ghee, A2 milk, different types of natural honey, jaggery, turmeric, etc are all chemical-free. Unprocessed foods contain higher amounts of antioxidants, they reduce the risk of heart disease, cancers, and other health issues.
Visit our site (Nirlesh Foods Private Limited or Navmi) to know more about nutritionally pure and unprocessed food. Make a conscious and healthy choice of foods.
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