Health Benefits of Coconut/Palm Jaggery

Coconut is the main ingredient in the cuisine of inhabitants of coastal regions in India. In Goa either its desiccated, grated or milk form. Coconut toddy and feni is also commonly used while cooking food. Though a lot of us haven’t heard about coconut jaggery. But it is widely used in Goa. It is locally called as madachem godd. It is quite distinct in colour and shape.
Ladies selling these pyramid-shaped deep brown jaggery looking alike black jaggery are a common sight in every market in Goa. From this shape, it derives its other name called pyramid jaggery. It is mostly used in sweet dishes and is not much preferred in savoury cooking. Coconut jaggery is used only in one savoury dish called samarachi koddi. Since this dish is a blend of chillies, spices and coconut milk it is spicy and coconut jaggery is used to balance out the spiciness of the curry. In fact, coconut is often used to balance out the spice in dishes. Coconut is also a common ingredient in traditional Goan Catholic sweet dishes like dodol and patoleo.
Coconut jaggery is made from strained unfermented coconut sap boiled, crystallized and transferred into different moulds to prepare jaggery. This jaggery which is in semisolid form gradually solidifies through a cooling effect of the atmosphere into a crystallized hard substance. Recovery of jaggery from the syrup is just 15%. In fact, many people prefer coconut jaggery to sugarcane jaggery.
Apart from using coconut jaggery in traditional sweet dishes, it can also be used as a sweetener in tea and coffee. It is true that most of us are used to sugar as a sweetener in tea and coffee so the taste of jaggery might not suit us.
All said and done it’s important to know the health benefits of coconut jaggery.
Full of nutrients:
Coconut jaggery is a rich source of magnesium and iron. Coconut jaggery has high anti-oxidant properties thus, it has more nutritious value than sugarcane jaggery. Palm jaggery a better option as compared to refined sugar. It is also rich in potassium and calcium thus, coconut jaggery is not the usual cup of sucrose. It is a perfect sweetener without any artificial substances and full of nutrients.
Treats cold and cough:
It gives you relief from cold and cough. When you add it to a warm cup of tea or water it clears your respiratory tract and relieves from various symptoms.
Improves digestion:
When coconut jaggery is consumed regularly it helps the digestive system. It activates digestive enzymes and the sweetener helps to clear bowel movement to cleanse the system.
Helps during pregnancy:
Coconut jaggery keeps the foetus away from negative health effects. It possesses a lot of anti-oxidants, which is why it’s consumed from the seventh month to give relief from pregnancy difficulties.
Heal’s migraine:
Migraine is one of the most painful and discomforting headaches. Natural and medicinal coconut jaggery helps reduce this problem. It minimizes pain and is beneficial in the long run.
Energy booster:
It has a lot of composite carbohydrates and is certainly easier to digest. Thus, if you are feeling unenergetic you can consume palm jaggery to energize yourself.
Eases joint pain:
Since it is rich in calcium it leads to healthier and stronger bones. It strengthens the bones, thus reducing joint pain and other issues related to Arthritis.
Helps to reduce weight:
Potassium is a nutrient that helps reduce weight and it is present in palm jaggery. It reduces bloating and water retention thus helps to regulate weight.
Skin nourishment:
Palm jaggery contains nutrients that glow your skin. It delays the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots. It helps in removing acne and pimples, which are common problems.
The focus of Navmi has always been to reach out to customers with natural and organic foods. All its products like coconut oil, flaxseed oil, ghee, A2 milk, different types of natural honey, jaggery, turmeric, etc are all chemical-free. We believe that unprocessed foods contain higher amounts of antioxidants, it reduces the risk of heart disease, cancers and other health issues.
Visit our site (Nirlesh Foods Private Limited or Navmi) to know more about nutritionally pure and unprocessed food. Make a conscious and healthy choice of foods.
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