How to test Honey? Simple Methods to check purity of honey at home?
organic honey
If you want to enjoy most of the benefits derived from honey, the purity is what you should consider before buying. Here are simple how to test honey.
The purity of honey is what you should consider before buying. There are some simple tests and experiments that can be performed at home, to verify the purity of honey. Find out which tests you should try!
Conducting tests for purity of honey at home:
Honey’s wonderful, delicious variety works against you when you’re trying to find a simple test. Different types of pure honey can cover a large range of density, flammability, and other characteristics. While the following tests are based on true principles, in practice your results may be inconclusive. Try several of these tests to see if the honey fails or passes consistently. In many cases, you can get nothing more than a good guess.
The use of honey is as old as all cultures. There are many ways to test honey, they are :
Following are simple methods how to test Honey:
Honey catches fire
Take a cotton bud, deep it into honey & flame it. If it got fired, its pure honey
Honey does not dry in fire
Take a spoon fill with honey & keep it on gas flame. If its moisture remain as it is, it’s pure honey.
Thumb test
Put a small drop of the honey you have on your thumb. Check to see if it spills or spreads around. If it does, it is not pure. Pure honey will stay intact on your thumb
Honey does not melt
Add table spoon of honey to the glass of water and see if it dissolves or sink to the bottom. If it sinks and settles at the bottom,it’s pure.
Honey can clean your eye
Put drop of honey into the eye, pure honey does not irritate your eye
Honey can cook an egg
Put egg yolk in honey if egg yolk is cooked then it’s pure honey.
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